Midjourney Discord Commands

Midjourney Discord Commands


Discord has become a hub for gamers, communities, and enthusiasts to connect and communicate. Among the plethora of Discord bots available, Midjourney stands out as a versatile and feature-rich option. Midjourney offers a wide range of commands to enhance your Discord server experience. In this guide, we will delve into the various Midjourney Discord commands presented in a tabular format for easy reference.

Getting Started with Midjourney

To start using Midjourney on your Discord server, you’ll need to invite the bot to your server. Visit the official Midjourney website or the Discord Bot List to get the invite link. Once the bot is in your server, you can start using its commands.

Midjourney Discord Commands

Here is a comprehensive list of Midjourney Discord commands organized in a tabular format for your convenience:

!helpDisplays a list of available commands and a brief description of each.
!pingChecks the bot’s responsiveness and latency.
!userinfo [@user]Retrieves information about a specific user or the command invoker.
!serverinfoDisplays information about the current server.
!avatar [@user]Retrieves the avatar of a specific user or the command invoker.
!purge <amount>Deletes a specified number of messages from the current channel. Requires appropriate permissions.
!poll "question" "option1" "option2" ...Initiates a poll with the provided question and options.
!mute [@user] [reason]Mutes a specific user in the server. Requires appropriate permissions.
!unmute [@user]Unmutes a previously muted user. Requires appropriate permissions.
!kick [@user] [reason]Kicks a specific user from the server. Requires appropriate permissions.
!ban [@user] [reason]Bans a specific user from the server. Requires appropriate permissions.
!unban [user#discrim]Unbans a previously banned user by their username and discriminator. Requires appropriate permissions.
!tempban [@user] <duration> [reason]Temporarily bans a user for a specified duration. Requires appropriate permissions.
!warn [@user] [reason]Issues a warning to a specific user. Requires appropriate permissions.
!warnings [@user]Displays the list of warnings for a specific user. Requires appropriate permissions.
!clearwarnings [@user]Clears all warnings for a specific user. Requires appropriate permissions.
!music play <song/link>Plays a specified song or audio from a provided link in a voice channel.
!music skipVotes to skip the currently playing song in the music queue.
!music pausePauses the playback of the current song.
!music resumeResumes playback of the paused song.
!music stopStops the music playback and clears the queue.
Midjourney Discord Commands


Midjourney Discord bot offers an array of commands to manage and enhance your server experience. Whether you’re looking to moderate, gather information, or entertain with music, Midjourney has got you covered.

This tabular guide provides a quick reference to the various commands at your disposal. Remember to consult Midjourney’s official documentation for any updates or additional features that might have been introduced after this article’s publication. With Midjourney’s versatile commands, your Discord server is bound to become a more organized and engaging community hub.

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